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Forum: Prayer Concerns


Edward Griswold (HHS '66)

Created on: 05/31/10 07:11 AM Views: 3286 Replies: 2
Edward Griswold (HHS '66)
Posted Monday, May 31, 2010 02:11 AM

Janie Griswold (Simms)'s brother (aka Bubba) had a major ( doctor called it 'devastating' ) stroke about 2 weeks ago. His right side is paralyzed and his brain is not telling the left side what to do yet. He can say a few words/phrases, and is improving daily , i.e. he can swallow now so the feeding tube no longer bothers his nose and throat. Soon he will be moved to Health South Rehab in Midland, but the doctors say it will be a very long year of recovery.

Please keep "Bubba" and family in your prayers.

RE: Edward Griswold (HHS '66)
Posted Friday, July 30, 2010 10:56 AM

Bubba, Janie and families.

I am so sorry to hear about Janie's brother Bubba. I hope his rehab will go smoothly and faster than anyone expects at present.

Frank and I will keep you and your families in our prayers. I will also have your name added to our prayer list at the Hondo and Sabinal churches of Christ where we are members and Frank preaches, respectively.

God bless you all and may He bless the hands of those tending to Bubba's medical needs.

With respectful love,



RE: Edward Griswold (HHS '66)
Posted Wednesday, September 22, 2010 02:05 PM

 Dearest Jane,

Please know you and your family have an extra set of praying hands on the West Coast.  Let the blessings be.


Sandy (McNett) Javaras